WOD 121231 Snatch, Skill, MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch
2 x 2  52,5kg
2 x 2  60kg
2 x 1  65kg
2 x 1  70kg     rest 60"
4 x 1  62,5kg  rest 30"

2a) 3 x 5 Behind the neck snatch grip push press - heavier than last week, rest 60" (70,75,80kg)

2b) 3 x 5 Snatch first pull (at knee) - heavier than snatch 1RM (110%), rest 60"   82,5kg


10 min HS hold practice (free-standing)


50 KB Swing  24kg
3 rounds of
15 T2B
30 KB Swing 24kg


WOD 121229 Deload week, Day 4



20 min AMRAP of:

7 T2B
7 HR Pushups
7 Box Jump 60cm

15 rounds

WOD 121226 Deload week, Day 3

1) Every 30 sec for 20 min  perform 5 Burpees (200 total reps)

2) 2km slow running

WOD 121225 Deload week, Day 2

1) Every 30 sec for 20 min (40 total intervalls)
Prowler push 70kg  12sec on/18sec off

2) 10min jump rope

SMR, Stretching

WOD 121224 Deload week

1) 20min MU practice

2a) 3 x 10 T2B

2b) 3 x 10 GH Raise

3) 200 DU

WOD 121222 MetCon & Midline

Today olympic lifts were skipped because of my terrible shoulder pain.....:(



5 rounds for time

Run 400m
15 OHS 40kg



1a) 3 x 20 GHD Situps - rest 45"

1b) 3 x ME UB Romanian deadlift - rest 45", 80kg    (16,13,14reps)

WOD 121219 Clean & Jerk

BB Gymnastics

1) Clean & Jerk
2 x 2 @70%  75kg
2 x 1 @75%  80kg
2 x 1 @85%  90kg
2 x 1 @90%  95kg    rest 60"
4 x 1 @75%  80kg    rest 30"

2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay rows - heavier than last week, rest 60" 80,85,90kg

2b) 3 x 5 Jumping Good Mornings - heavier than last week, rest 60"  55,60,65kg


Back squat
Set 1) Every 30sec for 2min (5 total reps) - 1rep @70%  105kg  (Don't re-rack the BB until the last rep)
Rest 2min
Set 2) Every 45sec for 2min15sec (4 total reps) - 1 rep @75%  115kg (Don't re-rack the BB)
Rest 3min
Set 3) Every 60sec for 2min (3 total reps) - 1 rep @80%  122,5kg (Don't re-rack the BB)




WOD 121218 Snatch

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch
2 x 2 @70%  55kg
2 x 1 @75%  60kg
2 x 1 @85%  65kg
2 x 1 @90%  70kg     rest 60"
4 x 1 @75%  60kg     rest 30"

2a) 3 x 5 Snatch hi-pull - heavier than last week, rest 60"   75kg

2b) 3 x 5 Non-heaving drop snatch - heavier than last week, rest 60"  55kg


12 min Chest Facing Wall Handstand & Shoulder touch practice

Conditioning skipped
I was very tired and (why not) I felt pain in my shoulders. I think this pain is caused by the sunday and saturday training and I couldn't recover fully!

WOD 121216 1RM Day & TA WOD Day MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch  75, 77,5 (F), 78,5 (F)  (less than PR)

2) 3 attempts  to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk  102,5 105, 106(F) (recent PR)


Take 7 min to establish a 1RM Front squat  (125kg  - less than PR)

2 reps every 30 sec for 7 min (28 total reps) @75%   90kg


For time:

150 DU
50 Air squat
45 Abmat situp
40 Box jump 60/50cm
35 HR Pushups
30 KB Am.swing 24/16kg
25 Burpee
20 Pullup
15 Wall Ball 9/6kg - 3/2.7m
10 Dip
3 Rope climb 5m


WOD 121215 Oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) Every 30 sec for 4 min (8 total reps)
1 Power snatch + 1 Hang snatch (full squat) @75%    60kg

2) Every 45 sec for 6 min (8total reps)
1 Power clean + 1 Hang clean (full squat) + 1 Push press  @75%  80kg


13 min Ladder

1 Push press 60kg
1 Pull up
3 Push press
3 Pull up
5 PP
5 PU

15 + 12 pullups (81 reps of PP, 76 reps of PU)


BB TGU practice 20kg

WOD 121214 Vertical lifts, Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 10 x 1 Vertical snatch off high boxes (at hip) - heavy but perfect, rest 60" (2x60,2x62,5 3x65,67,5F, 65F, 65kg)

2) 10 x 1 Vertical clean off high boxes (at hip) - heavy but perfect, rest 60"  (80,82,5x2,85x2,87,5x2,90x2, 92,5kg)


1a) 3 x 5 Split shoulder press - heaviest possible, rest 30"  60,62,565kg

1b) 3 x ME UB Strict pullup (supinated grip) - rest 30"  10,8,9

1c) 3 x 10 Bulgarian squat 5/leg (front rack) - heavy, rest 30"   50kg

1d) 3 x 10 Strict wtd GH Raise - heavy, rest 30"   24kg KB

WOD 121212 Clean & Jerk focus, Strength, MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) Clean & Jerk
2 x 2 @65%  70kg
2 x 1 @70%  75kg
2 x 1 @80%  85kg
2 x 1 @85%  90kg
Rest 60"
4 x 1 @705  75kg
Rest 30"

2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay row, heavier than last week, rest 60"  80,85,85kg

2b) 3 x 5 Jumping Good morning, heavy but fast, rest 60"  50,60,60kg


Back squat
1 x 5 @75%  115kg
1 x 3 @80%  122,5kg
1 x 3 @85%  130kg
3 x 1 @90%  140kg
Rest 2'

Conditioning (in the evening)

5 rounds for total working time of:

3 Hang power clean  80kg
6 Box jump 60cm
12 T2B
5 Burpee
3 Hang squat clean 80kg
Rest 1:1

1. 1'34"
2. 1'31"
3. 1'45"
4. 2'09"
5. 2'04"

WOD 121211 Snatch, Skill, MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch
2 x 2 @65%  50kg
2 x 1 @70%  55kg
2 x 1 @80%  62,5kg
2 x 1 @90%  70kg
Rest 60"
4 x 1 @70%  55kg
Rest 30"

2a) 3 x 5 Snatch Hi-pull - heavy, rest 60"  70,75,75kg

2b) 3 x 5 Non-heaving Drop snatch - heavy but fast, rest 60"  50,55,55kg


10 min HS practice


4 rounds for time:
25 Jumping squat w/ BB 20kg
20 KB Push press  2x16kg
15 Pullups


WOD 121209 1RM Day

BB Gymnastics

1) 20 min to establish a 1RM Snatch   77.5kg NPR!!!

2) 20 min to establish a 1RM Cl&J  100kg (less than PR)


1 1/4 Front squat
1 x 5 @65%  80kg
2 x 5 @70%  90kg
1 x 3 @75%  95kg
1 x 3 @80% 100kg
Rest as needed


12 min alternating intervall - 8 sec work/12 sec rest (36 total intervall)

Hang power clean 50kg

HPC: 90reps
Burpee: 72reps

WOD 121208 Quick oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) Every 30 sec for 4 min (8 total reps)
1 Power snatch + 1 Hang snatch (full squat)  @70%   55kg

Rest 2 min

2) Every 45 sec for 6 min (8 total reps)
1 Power clean + 1 Hang clean (full squat) + 1 Push press @70%  75kg


4 rounds for total working time of:

7 Bench press  80kg
50 KB SDHP 20kg

Rest 1:1

1. 1'49", 2. 1'49", 3. 1'50", 4. 2'01"


5 x ME Strict T2B  14,9,9,9,9

WOD 121207 Block oly lifts & Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 5 x 2 Snatch off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect, rest 60" (60,62,5 65,65,65kg)

2)  5 x 2 Clean off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect, rest 60" (85,90,95,95,95kg)


1a) 3 x 10 Seated BB shoulder press - heaviest possible, rest 30"  45kg

1b) 3 x 10 Strict pullups, rest 30"

1c) 3 x 20 BB Stepups 50cm (front rack) - heavy, rest 30" 40kg

1d) 3 x 10 Strict wtd GH raises, heavy, rest 30"  20kg plate

WOD 121205 Hang clean

BB Gymnastics

1) 10 x 1 Hi-Hang clean (with hip) + 1 Push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (75,80,82,5 85,85,87,5 90,92,5 95,97,5kg)

2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay row, rest 60" (75,80,85kg)

2b) 3 x 5 Split press, rest 60" (55,60,65kg)


Back squat
1 x 5 @75%  115kg
1 x 3 @80%  122,5kg
3 x 3 @85%  130kg
Rest 2'


4 rounds for total working time of:

8 Front squat 80kg
20 Burpee

Rest 1:1

1. 1'40"
2. 1'47"
3. 2'03"
4. 2'13"

WOD 121204 Hang Snatch

BB Gymnastics

1) 10 x 1 Hi-hang snatch (with hip) - heaviest possible, rest 60" (55,57,5 60,60,62,5 62,5 65,65, 67,5 70kg)

2a) 5 x 3  3-Stop Snatch pull - heavier than last week, rest 45" (75,80,85,85,85kg)

2b) 5 x 3 1 Snatch grip behind the neck push press + 1 OHS - heavy, rest 45" (70,75,77,5 80,80kg)


10min MU practice


Alternating Tabata

Ring Dips
Abmat situps

WOD 121202 Sunday 60 minutes WOD

This entire effort should be completed with one, one hour running clock.

WOD 1 & 2 (beginning @ 0:00)

WOD 1:

50 KB SDHP 20kg
- rest 4 minutes -
50 KB SDHP 20kg


WOD 2:
During the WOD 1 4 minutes rest interval complete...
AMRAP: Double unders

112 reps

WOD 3 (beginning @ 10:00)

10 min to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk


WOD 4 (beginning @ 20:00)

3 rounds for time

2 Rope Climb 5m
30 HR Push ups
15 GHD Situps


WOD 5 & 6 (beginning @ 40:00)

In 10 minutes complete (using alternating sets)

WOD 5: 3 x ME Front squat  80kg  6,6,5
WOD 6: 3 x ME Pullups    10,12,13

WOD 7 (beginning @ 50:00)

10 minutes AMRAP of:

Run 400m
15 Push press 40kg

3 rounds + 400m

WOD 121201 Snatch-OHS, Strength & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

EMOM for 10 minutes

1 Power snatch + 3 OHS - as fast as possible @90%   67,5kg


1a) 3 x ME Bench press @85% - rest 75",  100kg   (6,5,4)

1b) 3 x ME Strict pullup - rest 75", 16kg KB (8,8,8)


In 12 minutes complete:



7 Deadlift 120kg
25 Burpees

3rounds + 7 DL

The 100 Double Unders are a "buy-in" before the AMRAP starts.

WOD 121130 Oly lifts off blocks, Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 Snatch off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" (55,57,5 60, 62,5 65, 67,5 70kg)

2) 7 x 1 Clean off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" (75,80,85,90,95,100, 102,5kg)


1a) 3 x ME HSPU Strict + kipping, rest 30"   7,6,8

1b) 3 x 25 UB KB Snatches (each arm), rest 30"   16kg

1c) 3 x 3 Snatch grip behind the neck push press, rest 30"   65kg

1d) 3 x 8 Good mornings, rest 30"   55kg


3 x ME Strict T2B  15,10,8

WOD 121128 Hang clean, squat & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Hang clean + 1 Push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (70,75,80,82,5 85,87,5 90kg)

2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay row - heavy, rest 60" (70,80,80kg)

2b) 3 x 5 Split press - heavy, rest 60" (50,55,60kg)


Back squat
1 x 8 @65%  100kg
1 x 5 @70%  110kg
2 x 5 @75%  115kg
1x 5 @80%  120kg


6 rounds
20 KB SDHP 24kg
5 Power clean & Push jerk  60kg
Rest 1:1

1. 1'22"
2. 1'11"
3. 1'14"
4. 1'20"
5. 1'20"
6. 1'10"

WOD 121127 Hang snatch & Metcon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Hang snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60"  (55,57,5 60,60,62,5 62,5 65kg)

2a) 5 x 3 3Stop snatch pull - heavy, rest 60"  (70,80,85,90,90kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Heaving snatch balance - heavier than last week, rest 60" (62,5 65, 67,5 70,72,5kg)


10 min MU practice


- 3 Clean & PP  60kg
- 15 DU

Rest 1'

- 7 Box jump 60cm
- 7 Pullups

Rest 1'

- 15 Air squat
- 10 KB am.swing 24kg

4r + 2 Cl&PP
4r + 7BJ

WOD 121125 1RM Oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 20min to establish a 1RM Snatch   76kg!!!

2) 20min to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk   102,5kg (less than PR)


1 Front squat every 30 sec for 7 min   (14 total reps) @85%   110kg


2 min ME Rope climb 5m
No rest
7 min AMRAP
7 Back squat 100kg
14 Target burpee (touching a target 20cm above the highest reach)
No rest
2 min ME KB SDHP 24kg

2reps + 2meter
3 rounds + 7 BS
41 reps

WOD 121124 Power Oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 Power snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60"  (60,62,5 65, 67,5 70, 72,5 72,5kg)

2) 7 x 1 Power clean + push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (80,85,87,5 90, 92,5 95, 97,5kg)


7 Push press 65kg
14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B
7 Push jerk 65kg

14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B

7 Split jerk 65kg

14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B



10 min to work up to a 1RM BB TGU    30kg

WOD 121123 Vertical oly lifts & Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 5 x 2 Vertical snatch off high boxes (at hip) - heavy, rest 60" (55,57,5 60,62,5 65kg)

2) 5 x 2 Vertical clean off high boxes (at hip) - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,80,85,90kg)


1a) 3 x UB ME HSPU, rest 30"  (7,5,5)

1b) 3 x 20 UB KB Snatch (each arm), rest 30"   16kg

1c) 3 x 3 Sn.grip behind the neck Push press, rest 30"   60kg

1d) 3 x UB ME Romanian DL, rest 30"   80kg (15,16,17)

WOD 121121 3 pos Clean & Jerk

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 3pos Clean + 1 Jerk (floor, hang, hi-hang) - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,77,5 80,80,82,5 85kg)

2a) 5 x 3 Hang clean pull - heavy, rest 60"  (100,105,3x110kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Push press - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,80,85,85kg)


Back squat
2x8 @65%  100kg
2x5 @70%  110kg
1x5 @75%  115kg
Rest 2min


Clean & Jerk  70kg
(Jumping) Muscle-up


WOD 121120 3-pos snatch

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 3-Position snatch(floor, hang, hi-hang) - heavy, rest 60"  (50,52,5 55, 57,5 60, 62,5 65kg)

2a) 5 x 3 Halting Snatch Deadlift (stop at knees) - heavy, rest 60"  (80,90,3x100kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Heaving Snatch Balance - heavy, rest 60"  (60,65,65,70,70kg)


10 min MU practice


3 rounds for time

14 Burpee over the box jump  60cm
21 Pullups


WOD 121115 Deadlift


As long as you want to establish a 1RM Deadlift             180kg

WOD 121114 Back squat

BB Gymnastics

EMOM for 5min
2 Hang squat clean @70%   75kg

20 min to establish a 1RM Back squat    152,5kg


1min ME burpee   26reps

Few min rest

1 attempt ME pull up   30reps

WOD 121113 Testing week - Jerk

BB Gymnastics

20 min to establish a 1RM Jerk    105kg


7' AMRAP Ladder
1 Deadlift 100kg
2-2,3-3, etc..

6r + 6 HSPU

In every 90" for 5'
3 Hang power clean 75kg

WOD 121108 Deload week - session#2

1) 20 min rope climb progression

2a) 4 x 6-8 Strict HSPU  (4cm raiser), rest 45sec
2b) 4 x 10 Strict T2B, rest 45sec
2c) 4 x 15 GH Raise
2d) 4 x 10 Side GH Raise (each side), rest 45sec

3) 50 Situps

WOD 121106 Deload week

1) 20 min MU propgression

Every 90 sec for 15 min (10 total rounds)
2a) 4 HSPU

2b) 8 Pullups

3) 3 x 15 GHD Situps

WOD 121101 Power oly lifts

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 1 Hang Power snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS - as fast as possible - heaviest possible, rest 60" (50,52,5 55,55,57,5 60,60kg)

2) 7 x 1 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 power Clean + Push Jerk - heaviest as possible, rest 60" (70,75,75,77,5 77,5 80,80kg)


5 rounds for total reps
1min AMRAP of:
5 Over the box jump 60cm (down)
10 KB Am. swing 24kg
5 Over the box jump 60cm (up)
5 Thruster 50kg

Rest 1min
Notes: Over the Box jump should be performed with 5 boxes lined up in succesion.

Each round was 1 full round but the 4th missed 1 rep thruster


1a) 3 x 10 Strict GH Raise w/20kg plate, rest 60"

1b) 3 x ME Hanging L-Hold, rest 60"

WOD 121031 Deadlift, bench press


1) 10 x 1 Deadlift @80%, rest 45",   140kg

2) Bench press: 2x4@75% 100kg,  2x3@80% 105kg, 3x2@85% 110kg, rest 60"


1a) 3 x ME HSPU, rest 30"

1b) 3 x 15 UB KB Snatches(each arm), rest 30" - 20kg

1c) 3 x 15 Reverse hyper, rest 30"

Rugby training

WOD 121030 Vertical snatch and Clean

BB Gymnastics

1) 5 x 2 Vertical Snatch off high boxes (at hip) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" Demo video (50,55,55,57,5 60kg)

2) 5 x 2 Vertical Clean off high boxes (at hip) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" Demo video (60,65,70,75,75kg)


1) 5 x 5 Back squat @75% of 1RM, rest 2min   115kg

1) 3 x 2 Front squat@77,5% of 1RM (3sec pause at the 1st rep), rest 90sec   100kg

WOD 121029 Hi hang work, evening MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 3 Hi-hang Snatch (knee extension only) - medium/heavy but very fast, rest 60" Demo video  (50,52,5 55, 57,5 60, 62,5 65kg)

2) 7 x 3 Hi-hang Clean (knee extension only) - 1 Jerk - medium/heavy but very fast, rest 60" Demo video  (70,75,77,5 80, 82,5 85, 87,5kg)


1a) 3 x 8 Wtd Strict pull ups - heavier than last week, rest 60"  20kg

1b) 3 x 8 Shoulder press, rest 60"  55,57,5 57,5kg

Conditioning (at 7pm)

5 rounds for total reps
In 90 sec perform 15 Burpee then with the remaining time perform AMRAP of OHS@50kg
Rest 90sec after each roound
400m run for time

OHS: 9,6,6,5,3
Run: 1:30

WOD 121027 1RM Day

BB Gymnastics

1) 15 min to establish a 1RM Snatch   72,5kg (less than PR)

2) 15 min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk   100kg (less than PR)


15 min to establish a 1RM Front Squat   127,5kg NPR!!!



Deadlift 100kg
Bar-facing burpee


WOD 121026 Power snatch, clean, MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1  1 Power snatch + 1 Heaving snatch balance + 1 OHS - heaviest possible, rest 60" (50,55,57,5 60, 62,5 67,5kg)

2) 7 x 1 3 Hang power clean + 1 Push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (70,75,77,5 77,5 80x3)


For time:
20 Pullups
400m run
40 Slapping pushup
30 KB OH Walking lunge 2x16kg
20 Box bag to shoulder (40kg bag)
30 Slapping pushup
20 KB OH Walking lunge
10 Box bag to shoulder
400m run
20 Pullups



1a) 3 x 15 Wtd GH Raise, rest 60",   10kg plate

1b) 3 x ME L-Sit hold, rest 60"

WOD 121024 Deadlift, Bench press


1a) 7 x 3 Banded Deadlift @90kg + Green band, rest 60"

1b) Bench press: 2 x 3 @70% 90kg
                          2 x 3 @75% 100kg
                          2 x 2 @80% 105kg
                          1 x 2 @85% 110kg


1a) 3 x ME UB Ring dip, rest 30" (11,9,8)

1b) 3 x 15 UB KB Snatches (each arm) - heaviest possible, rest 30"  24, 20,20kg

1c) 3 x 5 HSPU (kipping allowed), rest 30"

1d) 3 x 15 Reverse hypers, rest 30"

WOD 121023 High block snatch

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Vertical Snatch off high boxes(at hip) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" (2x60, 2x62,5 3x65kg)  Demo video


1) Back squat: 2,2,2,1,1 @100% of 3RM, rest 2min,   140kg

2) 3 x 5 Pause Back squat (3" pause on the 1st and 5th rep), rest 90sec,    90kg


Every 90sec for 15min (10 total rounds)

20 DU
8 Pullups
3 Ground to Overhead

Weight was 50kg, and clean and PP

1-7th round was full round
8th round: only 6 pullups
9-10th round: 2-2 G2O

WOD 121022 EMOM Snatch, Clean & jerk

BB Gymnastics

1) EMOM for 7min  1Snatch + 1Hang snatch(above knee) @85%, 62,5kg, then rest 2min

2) Perform single snatches @90,95,90%. Rest at least 2min. 67,5 72,5, 70kg

3) EMOM for 7min 1Clean + 1Hang clean(above knee) + 1Jerk @80%, 85kg, then rest 2min

4) Perform Clean&Jerk 3x1@90%. Rest at least 2min. 95kg


1a) 3 x 8 Strict HSPU (w/ 5cm raiser), rest 60"

1b) 3 x 8 Wtd Strict Pullup  16kg KB, rest 60"


10 rounds 30"on/30"off Burpee

102 reps

WOD 121020 Rugby game

Today's WOD was our very first match in the championship against Nagyvarad Spartan in Oradea! We won over the romanian team. Result is 27-22. I have scored a try!! :)) Yepp!!

WOD 121018 Power work, no metcon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1  1 Hang power snatch + 1 Power snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60" (55,57,5 60,62,5x2,65,67,5kg)

2) 7 x 1 2 Power clean + 1 power jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60", (75,80,85,87,5x2, 90x2)


1a) 3 x ME HSPU, rest 45",  5,7,5

1b) 3 x ME Double arm KB Snatches @20kg, rest 45", 10,7,7

1c) 3 x 15 Reverse hypers, rest 45"

1d) 3 x 5 Snatch grip behind the neck press - heavy, rest 45", 45kg

WOD 121017 Lifting off boxes, Squat, MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 5 x 1 Snatch off high boxes (above knee) - heavy but perfect, not maximal, rest 60" (62,5 65,65, 67,5x2)

2) 5 x 1 Clean off high boxes (above knee) - heavy but perfect, not maximal, rest 60" (85,87,5 90,92,5 95)


1) 5 x 1 Back squat @100% of 3RM, rest 2min,   140kg

2) 3 x 5 Front squat - heaviest possible, rest 90",  100,105,105kg


3 rounds for time:
10  2 Box Lateral Box jump 50cm
20 KB SDHP 24kg


WOD 121016 EMOM Olympic lift

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2 reps EMOM for 7 min @85%, then rest 2min and perform 1 rep @95% (only 3 attempts)
 62,5kg, 71kg (1st)

2) C&J: 2 reps EMOM for 7 min @82%, then rest 2 min and perform 1 @92% (only 3 attempts) 85kg,95kg(1st)


1a) 3 x 3 1sn.grip behind the neck PP + 1 Heaving sn.balance + 1 OHS, rest 60"   60kg

1b) 3 x 3 Flat footed clean hi-pulls - heavy, rest 60",  70kg


Part 1 . (11:00 AM)
12 min AMRAP
50 DU
7 Burpee
Add 7Burpees every round( Rd2. 14, rd 3 21, etc)

4rounds + 5 DU

Part 2. ( 6:00 PM)

EMOM for 14 min
Prowler push 40m, 90kg

WOD 121013 1RM Day - Snatch, Clean&Jerk

Part1. 9:00 AM
BB Gymnastics

1) 20min to establish a 1RM Snatch:  75kg NPR!!

2) 20min to establish a 1RM Clean&Jerk:  105kg NPR!!

Part2. 1:00 PM

EMOM for 7 min

Back squat  @90% of 1RM:  137,5kg

2 reps for 3min
1 rep for 4min


For time:

30 Box jump 60cm
20 Deadlift 110kg
30 T2B
20 Push press 50kg
30 GHD sit up
20 KB SDHP 20kg
30 Weighted alternating pistol w/ 16kg KB
20 Burpee Box jump 60cm


WOD 121012 Deadlift day


1a) 10 x 1  8cm Deficit Deadlift @85% of 1RM, rest 60",   150kg

1b) 10 x 3 HSPU, kipping is allowed, rest 60"


3 rounds for time:

9 Front squat  80kg
6 Strict Pull up
50 DU



1a) 3 x 10 Strict GH Raise with green band, rest 60"

1b) 3 x 10 Strict Toes 2 Bar,  rest 60"

WOD 121010 Power work, strength, no metcon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1  2 3-Stop Snatch Pulls + 1 Power Snatch, rest 60" - heaviest as possible (55,57,5 60,62,5 65, 67,5 70kg)

2) 7 x 1  1 Power clean + 2 Push jerk, rest 60" - heaviest as possible (75,80,80,85,85,87,5 90kg)


1a) 3 x ME Strict pullups (any grip), rest 45"   (6,6,7)

1b) 3 x ME Deficit HSPU  5cm, rest 45"  (5,4,4)

1c) 3 x 15 Reverse hypers, rest 45"

1d) 3 x 5 Sntach grip behind the neck press, rest 45" - heaviset as possible (40,45,45kg)