WOD 121016 EMOM Olympic lift

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2 reps EMOM for 7 min @85%, then rest 2min and perform 1 rep @95% (only 3 attempts)
 62,5kg, 71kg (1st)

2) C&J: 2 reps EMOM for 7 min @82%, then rest 2 min and perform 1 @92% (only 3 attempts) 85kg,95kg(1st)


1a) 3 x 3 1sn.grip behind the neck PP + 1 Heaving sn.balance + 1 OHS, rest 60"   60kg

1b) 3 x 3 Flat footed clean hi-pulls - heavy, rest 60",  70kg


Part 1 . (11:00 AM)
12 min AMRAP
50 DU
7 Burpee
Add 7Burpees every round( Rd2. 14, rd 3 21, etc)

4rounds + 5 DU

Part 2. ( 6:00 PM)

EMOM for 14 min
Prowler push 40m, 90kg

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