WOD 120724 Clean & EMOM

BB Gymnastics
1. 7x2 High block clean + 2 Split Jerks - heavy, but fast  60" rest (50,55,60,65,70,75,80kg)

1. Back squat 1x8 75%, 1x5 85%, 1x3 90%, 2x3 95% of 3RM, 2' rest (100,115,122,5 130kg)

2a. 5x3 Push press - heavy  60" rest  (70,75,80,80,80kg)
2b. 5x3 Front squat - heavy (3" pause at the bottom)  60" rest (70,75,80,80,80kg)

EMOM 10'
5 Pullups
20 DU

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