Push press & Snatch-Cindy - W5 - D2

2012.07.05. Thursday
WOD - 1  10:00AM
HSPU practice

Push press: 3 sets of 70% x 1RM x 5reps (70kg), 30" rest, and then 60% x 1RM x max reps (60kg)  (9,8,5)

EMOTM 10' Front squat
80kg x 3reps 1min
85kg x 3reps 1min
90kg x 2reps 4min
95kg x 2reps 4min

Clean shrug: 3x5  110kg

Core: 100situps, 25 wtd, 25 GHD, 50 CF style

WOD - 2  6:00PM
Part 1.
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Snatch 60kg, 2 rounds of Cindy btw snatches  (16rounds Cindy)         26'10"

Part 2.
EMOTM 8'  Rugby srum machine push   30sec on/30sec off

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