"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
WOD 120731 High blocks
BB Gymnastics
7 x 1 Snatch off high blocks (45,50,55,55,60,62,5kg)
7 x 1 Clean off high blocks (60,65,70,80,95,90,90kg)
7 x 3 Back squat 70-80% of 1RM (90,100,105,110,115,120,125kg)
5 rounds for total run time and reps of:
Sprint 200m
ME UB Thruster 60kg
1. 37" 5
2. 37" 5
3. 36" 4
4. 37" 5
5. 37" 5
WOD 120730 Reload day
BB Gymnastics
7 x 2 Split jerk from rack - heavy, but not max, 60-90" rest (50,60,70,75,80,85,90kg)
1a. Deadlift 10 x 2 120kg 60" rest
1b. DB Shoulder press 5 x 5 (after every 2nd DL) 26kg 2+ min rest
WOD 120728 Competition Day - Napfény Challenge
It was a team competition in our new gym in Szeged.
I had 2 team-mate, Annamari Székács and Norbert Király!!
There were 11 competitor teams. We got the 4th place!!!
100 Burpee
80 Wall ball
60 Box jump
40 Pull up
Max reps MU for the rest of 15'
AMRAP 3'/ each person
Ladder 1-1-1-1,2-2-2-2,3-3-3-3,.......
Deadlift, Power clean, Push press, front sqaut
The weigh is competitor'choice
Static squat - burpee box jump
Hand stand hold - air squat
Hanging on the bar at the top - DU
Final WODs:
1. 21-15-9
Snatch (40/30kg)
2. 21-15-9
Thruster (40/30kg)
3. 21-15-9
Power Clean (60/40kg)
Ring dip
WOD 120725 Block snatch high pull & snatch
BB Gymnastics
10 x 2 High Block Snatch High pull + 1 Block Snatch 60" rest (40,2x45, 2x50, 2x55, 57,5, 2x60kg)
1a. 4x ME HSPU 45" rest
1b. 4x5 wtd pull up 16kg KB 45"rest
1c. 4x15 GHD Back extensions
WOD 120724 Clean & EMOM
BB Gymnastics
1. 7x2 High block clean + 2 Split Jerks - heavy, but fast 60" rest (50,55,60,65,70,75,80kg)
1. Back squat 1x8 75%, 1x5 85%, 1x3 90%, 2x3 95% of 3RM, 2' rest (100,115,122,5 130kg)
2a. 5x3 Push press - heavy 60" rest (70,75,80,80,80kg)
2b. 5x3 Front squat - heavy (3" pause at the bottom) 60" rest (70,75,80,80,80kg)
EMOM 10'
5 Pullups
20 DU
WOD 120723 Snatch, TGU
BB Gymnastics
1. 7x2 High block snatch 40,45,50,55,60,62,5 ,62,5kg
2a. 4x3 snatch high pulls - heavy, 70kg
2b. 4x3 Drop snatch - medium, heavy, 40,45,50,50kg
1a. 4x8 WTD GH Raise 25kg
1b. 4x2/arm BB TGU
3 rounds
3 Power clean 70kg
12 Burpee
15 Pull up
WOD 120721 Lifts
1. 4 x 2 2High Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Squat Snatch 55,60,60,60kg
2. 4 x 2 2High Hang Clean HP + Hang Squat Clean 70,75,75,75kg
3. 4 x 2 Flat-footed Clean pulls 115% 110kg
Conditioning, skill
5 min AMRAP T2B
WOD 120720 Oly Lift & MetCon
1. Work up to 1RM snatch 70kg (power)
2. Work up to 1RM clean & jerk 90kg (squat) 95kg split jerk failed, clean was OK.
400m run
27 pullups
27 dips
18 push press 50kg
400m run
21 pullups
21 dips
15 push press 50kg
400m run
15 pullups
15 dips
12 push press 50kg
WOD 120718 Back squat & sled push
1. Back squat:1x10 60%, 1x8 65%, 1x6 70%, 1x4 75% (90, 100, 105, 112,5kg)
2a. Shoulder press: 4 x 3 rest 60" (60,60,62,5 65kg)
2b. Front squat: 1x5 60%, 1x5 65%, 2x5 70% rest 60" (70, 77,5 85kg)
4 x 1' sled push (srum machine) 2' rest
15 min
HS hold for max time
Box jump for max height
WOD 120717 Power Clean + Press cluster
BB Gymnastics
1a. 5 x 1 power clean 60" rest (80, 85, 90, 90, 95kg)
1b. 5 x 1 press cluster (press+push press+split jerk) 60" rest (65, 4x67,5kg)
8 min AMRAP
7 Deadlift 125kg
35 DU 3 rounds + 26DU
1a. 3x10 WTD GH Raise 60" rest (20, 25, 25kg)
1b. 3x10 WTD Dips 60" rest (10, 10, 15kg)
Evening Conditioning at 6:00PM
400m sprint and then,
4 rounds
20 Push ups
20 Air squat
10 Burpee
20 Grounf to OH anyhow w/ 20kg plate
15 min
WOD 120716 Back squat
Today is the first day of my new 12-weeks squat cycle.
1. Back squat: 1x10 60%, 1x8 70%, 1x6 75%, 1x4 80%, (90, 105, 112,5, 120kg)
2a. HSPU: 4 x 8 60sec rest
2b. Front squat: 1x5 60%, 3x5 70% 60sec rest (70,85kg)
4 rounds
ME Unbroken pullups
1' rest
1' SDHP AMRAP 20kg
1' rest
1' Weighted front plank 15kg
1' rest
1. 2. 3. 4.
20 13 15 14
30 27 28 29
15 15 15 15kg
New cycle will launch till tommorow.....
6 weeks are gone, my 6 weeks "3day a week - 2 session a day" cycle has ended yesterday, and a new form will begin on monday. The program is The Outlaw Way programming....
Weekly schedule is 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off.
Weekly schedule is 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off.
Block snatch & Intervall training W6 - D3
2012.07.14. Saturday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
Block squat snatch - singles up to 62,5kg
Block snatch high pull 4 x 3 70kg
EMOM 10' Block power clean & Push press 4reps 55kg
P-chain moves: 2 sets of 10 RDL 80kg, 15 GHD Back extensions
WOD - 2 7:00 PM
Part 1:
8 x 200m sprint/100m jog
Part 2:
5 x 40m hill sprint
Part 3:
3 rounds for time, 1 min rest btw rounds
20 burpee
20m sled (scrum machine) push
200m run 13'10"
Push press & Walking Lunge W6 - D2
2012.07.12. Thursday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
Snatch balance
Push press, 2,3,4,5reps x 2 sets, 20" rest btw series 70% 1RM 70kg
EMOM 10' 10 Walking lunge w/ 2x24kg KB
Clean shrug 3x 10 100kg
WOD - 2 6:00PM
Part 1:
15 min AMRAP
- 40 air squat
- 30 push press w/ bar
- 20 DU
- 10 Burpee 4rounds
Part 2:
8 Box jump 60cm
8 Pull ups
Last week - Front squat & McGhee W6 - D1
2012.07.10. Tuesday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
HSPU, Kipping HSPU
Front squat: 2 sets of 70% 1RM (85kg)
5reps 20" rest
4reps 20" rest
3 min rest btw sets
EMOM 5' Power snatch
3reps x 50kg 2'
3reps x 55kg 3'
EMOM 5' HSPU 3reps
Core: GHD situp 2x10 3sec at the bottom, 3sec at the top
WOD - 2 6:00PM
30 min AMRAP
5 Deadlift 125kg
13 HR Pushup
9 Box Jump 60cm
13rounds + 13Pushup
Squat clean from blocks & Intervall running - W5 - D3
2012.07.07. Saturday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
HSPU practice
Squat clean from blocks - doubles, up to 90kg
EMOTM 10" Push jerk
60kg x 4reps 1'
70kg x 3reps 2'
75kg x 3reps 7'
Good mornings (light) 2x 15 x 40kg, 1 x 15 x 50kg
WOD - 2 7:30PM
Part 1:
Intervall running: 6 x 400m run/200m jog
Part 2:
10 min AMRAP
24kg KB throw backward 100m
Running back w/ 24kg KB 100m 2rounds + 30m KB throw
Push press & Snatch-Cindy - W5 - D2
2012.07.05. Thursday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
HSPU practice
Push press: 3 sets of 70% x 1RM x 5reps (70kg), 30" rest, and then 60% x 1RM x max reps (60kg) (9,8,5)
EMOTM 10' Front squat
80kg x 3reps 1min
85kg x 3reps 1min
90kg x 2reps 4min
95kg x 2reps 4min
Clean shrug: 3x5 110kg
Core: 100situps, 25 wtd, 25 GHD, 50 CF style
WOD - 2 6:00PM
Part 1.
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Snatch 60kg, 2 rounds of Cindy btw snatches (16rounds Cindy) 26'10"
Part 2.
EMOTM 8' Rugby srum machine push 30sec on/30sec off
Squat & Deadlift-running - W5 - D1
2012.07.03. Tuesday
WOD - 1 10:00 AM
Skill: Snatch Balance - heavy
Strength: Back squat, work with 1RM x 80%, 120kg
3 sets of theese series: 4reps 20"rest, 3reps 20"rest, 2reps 4min reps (27reps with 120kg)
EMOTM 10' Power clean
4x 70kg for 2 min
3x 75kg for 6min
2x 80kg for 2min
Romanian DL: 12x60kg, 10x70kg, 8x80kg
WOD - 2 6:00PM
3 rounds for time:
400m run
15 BW Deadlift 90kg 9'03"
Burpee/KB am.swing 24kg/DU
1/9/30 17'30"
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