"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
Olympic WL Day...
2012.04.26. Thursday
A: Clean pull off block: 3x3 80,90,100kg
B: Squat clean off block: 3x3 60,70,80kg
C: 1 squat clean + 2 jerk x 5 60,70,75,80,85kg
D: Front squat: 6x3, 50,60,70,80,90,100kg
E: GHD back extension 3x10
Snatch balance + MetCon
2012.04.24. Tuesday
OHS 3x10 40,45,45kg + 2x5 EccentricOHS, 5" down, 45kg
B: Snatch balance for load (10min) 40x2, 45x2, 50,50,55,55,60kg
- 10 OHS 50kg
- 50 DU
D: Kipping pullup 3x15
DL + MetCon
2012.04.23. Monday
Buy in:
300 singles
2 sets NFT
12 back extensions (glute-ham focused)
12 hanging leg raises
12 pushups
20" HS hold
Snatch grip deadlift 8x2 (45" rest) 70,80,85,85,90,90,95,100kg
5 rounds for time:
15 Push press 50kg
50 Air squat
10 Pullups
Buy in....
DUx20, Pullups x 10, Box jumps x 10 2sets
Thruster ladder
10sets of 2 on the minute 20,30,40,40,45,50,55,60,65,70kg
3 rds foe max reps
30" Thruster 50kg
30" rest
30" HR pushups
30" rest
30"Hang power clean 50kg
30" rest
30" Pullups
30" rest
Cash out:
3 x 1' plank w/ 10kg plate, 1' rest
A messed up day....
Erről a napról inkább jót vagy semmit.....
Gondolom mindenkinek volt már olyan napja, amikor semmi nem jött össze, és ez az edzőteremben is folytatódott.....
Hát így történt.... Se erőm, sem kedvem nem volt az az előre összeállított edzéstervhez, már a melegítésnél éreztem, hogy semmi nem úgy mozog (főleg én :P), ahogy kellene....
Némi duplatekerés, 80cm-es box jump és T2B után nekiálltam az előlguggolásnak, amivel eljutottam 90ig, de mintha 120 lenne...
Ezek után már bele sem fogtam a MetConba, inkább pihenőt rendeltem magamnak fizikálisan és mentálisan is....
Cl & Jerk
2012.04.18. Wednesday
Before noon....
A: Strength:
6 sets of Clean and jerk 1.1.1 (10" rest between singles)
B: MetCon#1:
3 rounds for time:
Deadlift 120kg 7
Pull ups 21
4min rest between round
1: 1'52"
2: 2'14"
3: 2'32"
C: MetCon#2:
800m run
GHD situps 25
DU 75
500m run
GHD 20
DU 50
200m run
GHD 15
DU 25 18'40"
3 Metcons a day
2012.04.17. Tuesday
Before noon
A: Shoulder press, 4sets, 5-3reps, 50,55,60,65kg/3
B: T2B, 3x10-15
C: Metcon#1
3 rounds of:
- 10 Pull up
- 15 Am. KB swing 32kg
- 20 DU
- Rest 1' between rounds 7'54" inlc. rest time
5 min rest
- Thruster 60kg
- Box Jump 60cm 3'45"
In the evening
15 min AMRAP of:
- 50 hammer strike
- 200m run
- 100m farmer walk 2x24kg KB
- 200m run 3rounds + 24hammer
2012.04.16. Monday
A: Skill:
5 sets of snatch balance x 1, 40,45,50,55,60kg
B: Strength:
On the minute, every minute for 10min
Squat Snatch x 2, 30,35,40,45,50,50,50,50,50,50kg
C: Metcon:
OHS 40kg
Bar facing Burpee 6'03"
D: A/P:
3 x 20 GHD situps
Front squat w/ DU
5 rounds
Max reps front squat 75%BW (70kg)
30 DU
Max reps HR push ups
3 min rest between rounds
1. 11 - 20
2. 12 - 20
3. 10 - 14
4. 10 - 12
5. 9 - 12
3 sets, not for time
10 Snatch grip back extensions 40kg
10 GHD situps
Push & Pull
Before noon...
A: Squat clean - singles up to 90kg
B: Hang clean high pull 4x4 70kg
C: Back squat 5x3, 90,100,110,120,130kg
4 min amrap
3 Deadlift 130kg
15 HR pushup 4rounds
2 min rest
4 min amrap
10 box jump 60cm
10 push press 50kg 3rounds
In the evening....
Rugby training
Before noon...
A: Split jerk - singles up to 85kg
B: 3 Press + 2 Push press 5sets, 60kg
C: 2 Snatch balance + OHS 5sets, 40,45,50,55,55kg
5 rounds of
3 Clean 60kg
10 pullups
5 box jump 60cm 6'30"
In the evening...
Short metcon before rugby training....
800m run
50 air squat
40 situps
30 pushups
Death by Snatch and BJ
In the morning...
A: Squat snatch - singles
B: Snatch pull from block 5x3, 75kg
C: Front squat 3x3, 3x1 70,80,90,100,110,115kg
Death by snatch (50kg) and Box jump (60cm)
7 rounds
2012.04.06. Friday
In the morning...
A: 3Clean + 2Jerk: 6sets, 50,60,70,70,70,70kg
B: Clean pull: 4x4 70,80,80,80kg
C: Back squat: 4x5, 90,110,120,120kg
4rounds, not for time
10 KB am. swing 24kg
10 KB chinese row 5/arm 24kg
In the evening
Rugby training....
2 kind of jerk
2012.04.04. Wednesday
In the morning...
A: 2 jerk + 1 split jerk, 6stes, 60,70,75,80,85,90kg
B: push press 6x4 60kg, in every 90 sec
C: OHS 4x4, 50,50,55,60kg
D1: Satch grip back extension 30kg 10
D2: GHD situps 10
In the evening
National team rugby training in Százhalombatta
In the morning...
A: 2 jerk + 1 split jerk, 6stes, 60,70,75,80,85,90kg
B: push press 6x4 60kg, in every 90 sec
C: OHS 4x4, 50,50,55,60kg
D1: Satch grip back extension 30kg 10
D2: GHD situps 10
In the evening
National team rugby training in Százhalombatta
2012.04.02. Monday
In the morning...
A: Power snatch 5 x 3, 50,50,55,55,60kg
B: Snatch pull 4 x 4, 60,65,65,65kg
C: Front squat 5 x 3, 60,70,80,90,100kg
In the evening...
AMRAP 15min
- 15 KB am. swing 24kg
- 50 DU
- 5 Burpee - Box jump
5 rounds + 9 DU
After party
4x max L-sit hold
Frog stand practice
In the morning...
A: Power snatch 5 x 3, 50,50,55,55,60kg
B: Snatch pull 4 x 4, 60,65,65,65kg
C: Front squat 5 x 3, 60,70,80,90,100kg
In the evening...
AMRAP 15min
- 15 KB am. swing 24kg
- 50 DU
- 5 Burpee - Box jump
5 rounds + 9 DU
After party
4x max L-sit hold
Frog stand practice
New program has began.....
- 3 times a week - strength training (a lot of weightlifting, short metcon maybe) generally monday, wednesday and friday morning....(the program)
- same day in the evening conditioning and gymnastic training (and wednesday, friday evening rugby training)
- one time a week - longer conditioning (monostructural) training (running, rope work, jumping....)
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