"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
WOD 120926 Rugby
This is my deload week so I will have only 2 rugby trainings (wednesday, friday), 1 gymnastic session (thursday) and 1 warmup rugby game (saturday).
Next week The Outlaw Way program will go on!!! Can't wait!! :D
Invitation to the warm-up game!!!
Videos about our gym:
Part 1.
Part 2,
Part 3.
WOD 120922 3 attempts 1RM Day
BB Gymnastics
1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch 70, 72,5 75kg(failed)
2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean 97,5 100, 102,5kg (failed)
Work quickly to a near 2RM Back squat. Then every 30sec for 5 sets, remove 5% and perform 2 reps
2RM - 140kg
Set#1: 135kg, set#2: 130kg, set#3: 125kg, set#4: 120kg, set#5: 115kg
For time:
12 Hang power clean 70kg
8 Hang power clean
4 Hang power clean
150 DU
4 HP clean
8 HP clean
12 HP clean
It's about 21 min cause my timer stopped at 18 min and the rest time was a guess!
WOD 120921 Heavy Deadlift
It was not too long workout, but it's okay because I still have some pain in my muscles and joints after the rugby game. So I'm not fully recovered..... :))
1a) 10 x 2 Deadlift: 80% of 1RM rest 60 sec 140kg
1b) 5 x 5 2-armed KB Strict press 2x24kg
1a) 3 x 10 Strict Weighted GH Raise rest 60 sec 20kg
1b) 3 x 20 Unbroken GHD situps rest 60 sec
WOD 120919 Power oly lifting & strength
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 Power snatch - heavy, but not max, 45"rest (50,55,57,5 60,60,62,5 65kg)
2) 7 x 1 Power clean + Push jerk - heavy, but not max 45"rest (65,70,75,80,85,87,5 90kg)
1a) 3 x 10 BB Weighted step up 50cm - heavy 45"rest (50,55,60kg)
1b) 3 x 15 GH Raise with band 45"rest green band
1c) 3 x 8 BB Strict press - heaviest possible 45"rest (50,55,57,5kg)
It was not so hard workout because tonight we will have a warming-up rugby game against the 2nd team at 7:30 PM.
WOD 120918 High box work
BB Gymnastics
1) 5 x 2 Snatch off high boxes (at hip) 60"rest (55,60,65,67,5 70kg)
2) 5 x 2 Clean + 1 Split jerk off high boxes (at hip) 60" rest (70,80,85,87,5 90kg)
1) Back squat EMOM for 7 min - 2 reps 90% of 3RM 130kg
2) 5 x 3 Front squat (1st rep 5" pause at the bottom) 90" rest (80,85,90,90,90kg)
Run 400m
1 min rest
30 KB am. swing 24kg
1 min rest
Run 800m
1 min rest
50 KB am. swing 24kg
11'10" (total time)
WOD 120917 Oly lift percentage work
This is the first day of my new cycle!!
The schedule is same as the original program: 3days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off!! If we'll have a rugby game at the weekend my program will change for 4 days on, 3 days off. In theese weeks the maximal effort oly lifting program (saturday) will be cancelled!
BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 3x1 75% 55kg
1x1 80% 57,5kg
1x1 85% 62,5kg
3x1 90% 65kg
2x1 85% 62,5kg
2x1 80% 57,5kg
2) Cl & J: 3x1 70% 70kg
1x1 75% 75kg
1x1 80% 80kg
3x1 85% 85kg
2x1 75% 80kg
2x1 70% 75kg
1a) 3 x 5 Snatch grip behind the neck push press: 60" rest 70,70,70kg
1b) 3 x 5 Pendlay rows 60" rest 70,75,75kg
Take 20 min to perform the following:
5 rounds NOT for time
ME Strict pullups 7,4,6,6,6
ME HSPU 6,5,4,3,2
ME UB Double unders 18,7,20,26,11
WOD 120915 Snatch, Cl & J, "Fran"
That was the last day of the 6 weeks off season hi-bar olympic lifting cycle!!!
Huge thanks for The Outlaw Way, the best program that I've ever followed so far!!!! Amazing!!!
BB Gymnastics
1) 1RM Snatch 72,5kg NPR!!!!
2) 1RM Clean & Jerk 100kg NPR!!!!
40kg Thruster
4'47" NPR!!!! (7 months ago it was 7 minute!!!!)
Some word about the next program from The Outlaw Way's head coach, Rudy Nielsen:
Phase #1 of Off-Season Strength & Conditioning is over. Our first six weeks hopefully provided either a new comfort level with the fast lifts, or at least enough exposure, volume, and technical work to be able to handle a fairly rigorous and intensive second phase. We’ll be following a somewhat similar progression to the last phase, but will only be using pulling blocks once per week during this cycle. Also, instead of breaking the lifts into different days and only performing them together on Saturdays, we will be performing both lifts almost every day; with percentage work on Mondays, block work on Tuesdays, power versions on Wednesday, and maximal/full versions coming every Saturday (Fridays will have added squat work plus accessories) . We’ll be adding more squatting—with a focus on the Front and High-Bar versions—and will be continuing the accommodating resistance work we’ve been doing on the Deadlift.
Basically: more fucking strong, more fucking fast, more fucking power, more fucking awesome.
When you’re feeling tired this week, or genuinely need some inspiration—remember…
This old motherfucker is three times as strong as you’ve ever dreamed of being and he thinks you’re a pussy.
Now get back on the bar, pussy.
My program: Outlaw Doctrine
WOD 120913 Split jerk
BB Gymnastics
10 x 1 Split jerk from rack - heavy 80-90% 45" rest 85kg
1) 15 x 1 Deadlift 30"rest 145kg
2) 5 x 2 Tempo shoulder press (5 sec up, 5 sec hold, down quickly) 90" rest 55kg
WOD 120911 3-Stop snatch pull & snatch
BB Gymnastics
10 x 1 3-Stop snatch pull + 1 Hi-hang Snatch 60"rest (40,50,55,60,60,62,5 65,67,5 70kg)
1a) 4 x ME HSPU 45"rest
1b) 4 x ME Strict Pull up 45"rest
1c) 4 x 15 Romanian Deadlift 80kg 45"rest
3 rounds
5 Squat Clean to thruster 60kg
50 DU
5 Squat Clean to Thruster 60kg
60" rest
60" ME Burpee
60" rest
1: 3 min 17 burpees
2: 3'15" 17 burpees
3: 3'30" 17 burpees
WOD 120910 Block clean & jerk
BB Gymnastics
7 x 2 Clean off blocks (just below the knee) + 1 Split jerk 60"rest (60,70,75,80,85,90,95kg)
1) Back squat:
1 x 3@90% of 3RM 125kg rest: 3min
1 x 1@100% 135kg
1 x 1@105% 145kg
1 x 1@110% 152,5kg NPR!!!
1 x 1@105% 145kg
2) Push press 5 x 1 Heaviest as possible, rest: 2min,
90,92,5 95, 97,5 100kg NPR!!!
WOD 120908 Hang work & squat
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 Hang snatch (just below the knee) rest as needed (50,55,60,62,5 65, 67,5 70kg)
2) 7 x 1 Hang clean (just below the knee) rest as needed (60,70,80,85,90,92,5 95kg)
5 x 2 High bar back squat 90% of 3RM 90" rest 125kg
3 Power clean 75kg
50 Double unders
15 Thruster 50kg
6 Power clean
50 DU
12 Thruster
9 Power clean
50 DU
9 Thruster
WOD 120907 GHD Work
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 2 Snatch off blocks(just below the knee) 60" rest (40,50,60,65,67,5 67,5 70kg)
2a) 3 x 4 Snatch pull 60" rest 80kg
2b) 3 x 4 Heaving snatch balance (goal is 1RM snatch) 60"rest 60,65,70kg
1a) 3 x 7 "Strict" Banded GH Raise 60"rest green band
1b) 3 x 12 Tempo GHD Situps (3" down, 3" up) 60"rest
WOD 120905 Split jerk
BB Gymnastics
7 x 2 Split jerk off rack 60"rest (50,60,70,75,80,85,90kg)
1a) EMOM 10' 3 reps Deadlift 130kg
1b) Every 2 min after every 2nd DL 5reps Shoulder press 55kg
4 rounds for time
Run 400m
20 Pull ups
WOD 120904 Hang snatch
BB Gymnastics
7 x 3 3-Stop snatch pull + 1 Hi-hang snatch 60"rest (50,55,2x60,62,5 65,65kg)
1a) 4 x ME HSPU 45"rest
1b) 4 x ME Wtd strict pull up 16kg KB 45"rest
1c) 4 x 10 GH Raise 20kg
EMOM 10'
20" Squat clean 60kg
40" Jump rope - singles
WOD 120903 Block clean & jerk
BB Gymnastics
5 x 3 Clean off blocks (just below the knee) + 1 Push jerk 60"rest (60,70,75,80,85kg)
1) Back squat: 4 x 3@90% of 3RM 125kg 2min rest
2a) 3 x 5 Push press 60"rest (60,70,75kg)
2b) 3 x 3 Dip squat 120%of 1RM jerk 60"rest 115kg
This training was a crap!!! Program is OK but I felt very very weak and unmotivated! :(
Probably the weakness was because of the hard work of the last week's training camp!
I'm sure tomorrow will be much much better!!!!!
WOD 120831 2 Metcons
8:00 AM
"Kitty" 2 rounds
Every minute on the minute perform 5 thruster 40kg for 5 min
Rest of the minute
- Burpee
- DU
- Pullup
- Lunge 40kg
3:00 PM
"Horrible mile"
400m Walking lunge
400m Bear crawl
400m Backward run
400m Burpee broad jump
1h 11m 35s
WOD 120830 Swimming WOD
10:00 AM
BB Gymnastics
1) 5 x 3 Hang snatch 60"rest 50,55,60,65,65kg
2a) 3 x 5 Snatch pull 45"rest 80,80,80kg
2b) 3 x 5 Heaving snatch balance 45"rest 55,55,60kg
1a) 3 x 10 Good mornings 60kg
1b) 3 x 15 Wtd situp w/20kg KB
5:00 PM
Partner WOD
4 rounds for time
While partner1 makes 160m swimming
partner 2 performs continuosly the followings:
20 KB clean w/ 2x20kg
20 KB Push press 2x20kg
20 KB Snatches 20kg
40m KB Farmer walk 2x20kg
Goal is total reps
2rounds + 17 clean
WOD 120829 Hang snatch
In the morning.....
Running 4km
11:00 AM
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 High hang snatch - above knee 50,55,60,65,67,5 70, 72,5kg
2) 7 x 1 High hang clean - above knee 60,70,80,85,90,95,100kg
1 Squat clean + 2 Front squat 90kg
6:00 PM
Partner WOD
While Partner 1 runs 400m on the beach
Partner 2 performs:
1. KB Thruster 2x16kg
2. Box jump 60cm
3. KB am.swing 16kg
4. Burpee
5. DU
WOD 120827 Split jerk
BB Gymnastics
5 x 3 Split jerk 90"rest 60,70,80,85,90kg
EMOM 10'
1a) 2 Deadlift 140kg
1b) 3 Press 55kg
2 HSPU for 4min
1 HSPU for 3min
WOD 120826 Snatch pull
BB Gymnastics
10 x 2 3-Stop snatch pull + 1 High hang snatch 60"rest
30,40,45,50,55,57,5, 60,62,5 65, 67,5kg
50 Kb am.swing 24kg
25 Burpee
21 Ring pull up
21 Ring dip
10 Snatch 50kg
21 Ring dip
21 Ring pull up
25 Burpee
50 Wall ball 9kg
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