"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
Squat snatch & Scrum machine push - W4 - D3
2012.06.30. Saturday
WOD - 1 1:00PM
HSPU practice ( It's working better and better...)
Butterfly pull up practice
Squat snatch - heavy singles 67,5kg NPR!! :P
EMOTM 10' Snatch high pull 60kg x3reps for 2mins, 65kg x3reps for 8mins
Core: 3sets 10x K2E, 1' Front plank
WOD - 2 7:30 PM
15 x 100m sprint/ 100m jog
EMOTM 10' Rugby Scrum machine push for 20" and 40"rest
Shoulder press & Power clean - W4 - D2
2012.06.28. Thursday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
HSPU practice
Shoulder press: 3sets; 6reps w/ 50kg, 20sec rest and then max reps w/ 40kg (8,6,5)
EMOTM 10' Front squat 85kg 3reps
GHD Snatch grip Back extensions with fat bar 25kg 3x10
WOD - 2 6:00PM
EMOTM 12' Power clean
4reps 70kg for 3min
5reps 70kg for 9min
50 Abmat sit up
50 DU
50 Ab.su
50 Lunge
50 Ab.su
50 Burpee
50 Ab.su 14'30"
Deadlift & death by pullups - W4 - D1
2012.06.26. Tuesday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
KB snatch
Deadlift 120kg 1,2,3,4,5reps x 3sets (45reps), 20" rest btw series, 3' rest btw sets
EMOTM 10' Power snatch 3 x 50kg for 2', 3 x 55kg for 8'
2 sets 10x Wtd situp 30kg, 45/45sec side plank
WOD - 2 6:00PM
Death by pullups 12min time cap
With a continuosly running clock do one pull up the first minute, two pullups the second minute and so on......
5min rest
Box jump 60cm
Push press 50kg
KB am.swing 24kg 10'30"
Intervall W3 - D4
2012.06.23. Saturday
Warm up: 1200m jog
Intervall running: 12 x 200m sprint/200m jog
Cool down: 3000m
Squat clean W3 - D3
2012.06.22. Friday
WOD 5:00PM
HSPU - Finally, I have reached the bottom position!!!!
Sqaut clean - heavy single 97,5kg!!
EMOTM 10' Pullups x 6, 24kg KB Shoulder press x 3 each side
GHD Back extensions snatch grip 20kg
...and tomorrow evening, intervall run in Szentes!!!
Press, SDL, MetCons, W3 - D2
2012.06.20. Thursday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
Shoulder press: 3 sets of theese: 50kg x 7reps, 20 sec rest, and then 40kg x max reps
EMOTM: 10' Sumo DL 110kg x 3reps
Situps 100:
25 Weighted su 20kg
50 CF style SU
WOD - 2 6:00PM
3 min AMRAP
3 Clean 60kg
6 Fr. squat 60kg 3r + 1Fr.sq
1 min rest
3min AMRAP
5 KB. am.swing 32kg
5 Burpee 4r + 3Sw
1 min rest
3min AMRAP
10 OHS lunge 20kg
10 DU 3r + 10L
5min rest
100 hammer strike 3'57"
Back squat & MetCon W3 - D1
2012.06.19. Tuesday
WOD - 1 10.00AM
Snatch balance + OHS
Back squat 105kg x 1,2,3,4,5 reps, 3 sets, 20" rest btw series, 3' rest btw sets
EMOTM 12' Power clean
3 x 60kg for 2'
3 x 65kg for 3'
3 x 70kg for 5'
2 x 75kg for 2'
Clean shrug 3 x 5 100kg
2sets of: Good morning x10(60kg), RDL x10(60kg), GHD Back ext. x10
WOD - 2 6.00PM
Emotm 10' Power snatch 50kg x 3reps, 10 Double under
Fran - 21-15-9
Thruster 40kg
Pullup 7'30" :(:(
3km running
Weekly schedule changing....
As you have seen, my weekly training programming changed! On saturday, our rugby team will have an important match, so I had to change the training days and quanity. Rugby season will end this weekend and I'll continue my primal program from next week. The next training day will be on tuesday..... Can't wait....
Power snatch - D3
2012.06.14. Thursday
WOD - 1 10:00AM
HSPU practice 15min
Power snatch - heavy single
EMOTM 10' 6x KB am.swing 24kg, 6x GHD situp
3 sets of: Weighted situp 24 kg max. reps, 45/45sec side plank
Push press - D2
2012.06.12. Tuesday
WOD - 1 11.00 AM
Push press: 3 sets of 1,2,3,4,5reps 15sec rest btw series, 3min rest btw sets 70% 1RM, 70kg
EMOTM 10' Deadlift 100kg, 6reps
GHD Back extensions 3x10 w/16kg KB
WOD - 2 6.00 PM
20" Power clean 60
40" rest
20" Burpee
40" rest
17 min running
Front squat & MetCon - Week2 -Day1
2012.06.11. Monday
WOD - 1 in the morning
Front sqaut: Work up to 3RM 80,90,100,105kg
EMOTM 10' Power Snatch 3 reps 50kg
3sets of: 10x weigthted situp 20kg, 10x russian twist 20kg, 10x sprinter situp
SDHP 30kg 15
Box jump 60cm 15
Heavy clean & Intervall running Day 3
2012.06.09. Saturday
WOD - 1 9:00AM
Snatcth balance + OHS
Squat clean - heavy single: 60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95kg
EMOTM 10' 6 reps of both: Kiping pullup, Dip
3sets: 10 stiff leg deadlift 60kg, 10 good morning 60kg, 10 GHD back extensions
WOD - 2 7:00 PM
Intervall run training
8 x 400run/200jog 1:1 work/rest ratio
EMOTM: 10' - 3 pushups, 100m sprint
The olympic lifting was very good, I felt strong.....))
The evening training....well..this kind of running will kill me, really...:D
ME Push jerk & 20min MetCon - Day2
2012.06.07. Thursday
WOD - 1 11:00 AM
Push jerk: work up to 3RM. 85kg
EMOTM 10min, 3reps of 70% 1RM Front squat, 85kg
3sets of: weighted situp 10 (20kg), 45/45" side plank, Russian twist 10 (20kg)
WOD - 2 6:00 PM
20 min AMRAP
9 Deadlift 60kg
6 Power clean 60kg
3 Push press 60kg
10 GHD situps
9 rounds + 5 Pclean
New cycle - Week1 - Day1
Part of Our community - Testakadémia Szeged
2012.06.05. Tuesday
WOD - 1 ....12.00 AM
Squat snatch
Back squat: work up to 2RM
EMOTM 10min 3 reps of Power clean 70kg
GHD Back extensions 3 x 15
WOD - 2 6:00 PM
4min AMRAP
-Front squat 70kg 5
-Push up 20 3r + 5FS
2min rest
4min AMRAP
-KB. am. swing 24kg 10
-DU 20 4r + 4swing
2min rest
4min AMRAP
-Pull up 10
-Box jump 60cm 15 3r + 10BJ
2min rest
4min AMRAP
-Burpee 10
-Sit up 20 3rounds
This day was the beginning of my new 6 weeks cycle. The point of this training method is there're 3 or 4 training day on the week. There're 3 double event day, which means 1st training is based on skill and strength exercises and 2nd one is only metcon session. And 4th day is a cardio session like long term running or biking....
The plan is:
Monday - rest
Tuesday - training day
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - training day
Friday - rest
Saturday - training day
Sunday - training day, but only lower intensity cardio
Today's trainings were very good, back squat was fully OK, 2RM was 140kg, but maybe it could be more, I felt. In the evening the metcon was hard but went well, I liked it, just got me tired.
Push press & MetCon
2012.05.31. Thursday
A: Push press: Work up to 3RM, 80kg, and then
B: EMOTM 10min 55kg 4 reps
C: Floor press w/ barbell: 3 x max reps 70kg, (12,9,11)
Deadlift 80kg
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