WOD 130615:

10 AM


400m Run
4 rounds
 - 15 pull up
 - 12 Burpee
 - 9 KB Am swing 32kg
400m run
4 rounds
- 20 KB SDHP 32kg
- 15 Box Jump
- 10 TTB
400 run
 - 30 Power clean 60kg
 - 100 DU
400m run

Time cap: 35min

Not finished in time! Missed 40DU and 400m run, but  :D :D after the first 4rounds-part I have to go to toil..... :P :D :D
It was couple of minutes delay....

Rest to recovery....

12 AM

Squat clean heavy singles: 30 min to work up to 95kg

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