"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
WOD 130130 Deload week - Training 2.
25 min MU practice
4 x 15 GHD Situps
6 kör
6 T2B
8 Burpee Box jump
20 DU
Rest 1:1
1) 1'13" 2) 1'16" 3) 1'19" 4) 1'29" 5) 1'28" 6) 1'27"
WOD 130129 Deload week - Training 1.
1) 20 min MU practice
2) EMOM for 21 min
a) First min - 5 Kip. HSPU (35 Total reps)
b) 2nd min - 1 Rope Climb (7 Total reps)
c) 3rd min - 8 Pistol (4/4) (56 Total reps)
...and repeat!
WOD 130127 Oly lifting & Short MetCon
BB Gymnastic
1) 30 min Snatch practice - heavy single
2) 30 min Clean and Jerk practice - heavy single
3) EMOM for 10 min
1 Power clean 80kg
Power clean 60kg
Box jump 60cm
WOD 130126 Bench & Push press, "Cindy"
1) Burpee: 30 sec on/30sec off @85% (10,10,9,9,9,10,10,9,8,10)
2a) 3 x ME (Jerk Grip) Bench Press @100% BW - rest 60", 90kg (6,5,5)
2b) 3 x ME Push press @85%BW - rest 60", 77,5kg (5,4,4)
- alternating sets -
EMOM for 10 min
6 reps Pistols (3/3)
5 Pullups
10 CF Style pushups
15 Air squat
22 rounds + 5 Pullups
WOD 130125 OHS...
1) EMOM for 20 min
10 OHS 30kg + 5 T2B
EMOM for 10 min
2 Deadlift 135kg
EMOM for 10 min
2-4 reps of HSPU
12 min AMRAP
- 16 KB Snatches 20kg (8/arm - alternating)
- 8 Burpees
7 rounds
WOD 130123 Back squat
1a) 5 x 5 Back squat - rest 60", 100,105,110,115,120kg
1b) 5 x 20 KB Am.swing - rest 60", 24kg
EMOM for 7 min 1 Rope Climb
Every 30 sec for 10 min (42 total reps)
2 power snatch 50kg
WOD 130122 Only gymnastic work
1) 10 min MU practice
2a) 5 x ME HSPU, rest 45"
2b) 5 x 15 Reverse hypers, rest 45"
2c) 5 x 1' wtd plank w/ 10kg plate, rest 45"
SMR, stretching
WOD 130120 Thruster
1) 15 min to establish a 1RM Thruster 90kg
2a) 5 x ME Wtd pullups, rest 60" 20kg KB
2b) 5 x 45sec HS Hold, rest 60"
EMOM for 15 min
- 3 Power Clean 70kg
- 6 Pullup
Extra Credit
50 Burpees
WOD 130119 Back squat
1) Back squat: 5 x ME 1RM@85% (127,5kg) - rest 3min (4,5,5,5)
2a) 4 x 20 GHD Situp - rest 60"
2b) 4 x 10 Wtd GH Raise w/ 20kg plate - rest 60"
- Theese are alternating sets
3) Skill - WOD prep
4) 18 min AMRAP
- 18 Deadlift 60kg
- 12 HR Pushups
- 6 T2B
10 rounds
WOD 130118 Jerk,Squat, MetCon
1) 10 min to establish a 1RM Rack Jerk 90kg
2) 1 rep Front squat: EMOM for 10 min
100kg for 2 min
105kg for 3min
110kg for 3min
115kg for 2min
3) 15 min AMRAP
12 Burpee
12 Box Jump 60cm
12 Pull up
6r + 5 Burpee
4) 3 x 15 Shoulder External Rotation w/ Band
WOD 130116 Hi-pull from block, Strength
BB Gymnastics
1) 5 x 3 Snatch hi-pull from block (just above knee) - rest 60" 60kg
2) 5 x 3 Clean hi-pull from block (just above knee) - rest 60" 70,70,75,75,75kg
3a) 3 x 3 Drop snatch - rest 60" 50,55,55kg
3b) 3 x 5 Snatch grip behind the neck push press - rest 60" 50,55,55kg
Back saquat - rest 60"
2 x 5 80% 120kg
2 x 3 85% 127,5kg
3 x 1 90% 135kg
WOD 130115 Oly lifts & Short MetCon
BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch
3 x 1 85% 65kg
4 x 1 90% 67,5kg rest 90"
8 x 1 75% 55kg rest 30"
2) 5 x 5 Clean Shrug - rest 60" 80,90,90,90,90kg
4 rounds for total working time:
10 OHS 40kg
10 T2B
10 KB Am.swing 24kg
1: 1'10", 2: 1'15", 3: 1'15", 4: 1'25"
WOD 130113 1RM Day, Strength, EMOM
BB Gymnastics
1) 15 min to establish a 1RM snatch 72,5kg (less than NPR)
2) 15 min to esteblish a 1RM clean and jerk 100kg (less than NPR)
Front squat - rest 90"
1 x 5 75% 95kg
2 x 3 80% 100kg
2 x 3 85% 105kg
2 x 2 90% 110kg
EMOM for 10 min
4 reps for 4 min
3 reps for 3 min
2 reps for 2 min
1 rep for 1 min
WOD 130112 Strength Work, MetCon
1) Every 30 seconds for 5:00 (22 total reps): 2 Deadlift 140kg
2a) Bench Press - rest 60"
1 x 5 75% 85kg
2 x 3 80% 92,5kg
2 x 3 85% 100kg
2 x 2 90% 105kg
2b) Strict Weighted Pullup - rest 60"
1 x 5 16kg
3 x 4 20kg
3 x 3 24kg
For time:
100 DU
25 Wall ball 9kg
75 DU
25 Wall ball
50 DU
25 Wall ball
Rest 1 min
2 min ME Burpee
26 reps
WOD 130111 EMOM, Strength, MetCon
BB Gymnastics
EMOM for 7 min
1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Hang Squat Clean 70,75,75,75,80,80kg
1a) 5 x 3 Snatch First pull - heavy, rest 45" (85,85,90,92,5 92,5kg)
1b) 5 x 3 Pendlay Row - heavy, rest 45" (90,90,92,5 95,95kg)
1c) 5 x 3 Split Press - heavy, rest 45" (60,62,5 65,65,65kg)
For 12 min
25 sec on/35 sec off
24kg KB SDHP
WOD 130109 Hi-pulls, Strength & MetCon
BB Gymnastic
1) 7 x 3 Snatch Hi pulls - rest 60" (40,50,50,55,55,60,60kg)
2) 7 x 3 Clean Hi pulls - rest 60" (60,65,70,75,75,75,75kg)
3a) 3 x 3 Snatch Balance - heavy, rest 60" (60,65,65kg)
3b) 3 x 5 Push press - rest 60" (60,65,65kg)
Back squat
1 x 8 70% 105kg
2 x 5 75% 112,5kg
2 x 3 80% 120kg
Rest 60"
5 rounds for total working time of:
20 KB SDHP 20kg
5 C2B Pullups
5 Power snatch 40kg
Rest 1:1
1: 1'12" 2: 1'10" 3: 1'13" 4: 1'14" 5: 1'14"
TWT: 6'03"
WOD 130108 Percentage oly lifts & MetCon
BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch
5 x 1 80% 60kg
2 x 1 90% 65kg
3 x 1 95% 70kg
Rest 60-90"
8 x 1 70% 52,5kg
Rest 30"
2) Clean & Jerk
5 x 1 80% 82,5kg
2 x 1 90% 92,5kg
3 x 1 95% 97,5kg (2nd, 3rd Failed)
Rest 60-90"
8 x 1 70% 72,5kg
Rest 30"
4 rounds for total working time:
8 Squat clean to thruster 50kg
12 Burpee over the Box jump 60cm
16 KB Am.swing 24kg
Twt: 10:49
WOD 130105 1RM, Strength, MetCon
BB Gymnastics
1) 20 min to establish a 1RM Snatch 75kg
2) 20 min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk 102,5kg
Front squat
2 x 5 100kg
2 x 3 105kg
2 x 1 110kg
Rest 2 min
For time:
12 Burpees
12 Thruster 50kg
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatch 50kg
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerk 50kg
12 Burpees
12 Hang squat clean 50kg
12 Burpees
12 OHS 50kg
This training was a crap!! I felt bad, weak, tired!! Definately bad day.....
WOD 130104 Power & MetCon
BB Gymnastics
1) Every 30 sec for 4:30 (10 total reps)
1 Hang snatch + 1 Snatch balance @80% 60kg
2) Every 40 sec for 6 min (10 total reps)
1 Hang clean + 1 Front squat + 1 Push jerk @80% 80kg
2 min ME KB Snatch 24kg
- then (no break)
8 min AMRAP
8 Lateral Box jump 50cm
16 OH Walking Lunge 20kg plate
24 HR pushups
-then (no break)
2 min ME KB Snatch 24kg
36 reps
3 rounds + 10 WL
24 reps
WOD 130103 Strength, Double MetCon
15 min to establish a 1RM OHS 80kg
Thruster 40kg
4'53" (less than PR)
3 rounds of "DT"
12 Deadlift 70kg
9 Hang power clean 70kg
6 Push jerk 70kg
WOD 130101 Clean & Jerk, Squat, MetCon
BB Gymnastics
1) Clean & Jerk
2 x 2 70kg
2 x 2 82,5kg
3 x 1 92,5kg
1 x 1 97,5kg (F)
Rest 60"
4 x 1 87,5kg
Rest 30"
2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay rows - heavier than last week, rest 60" 85,90,92,5kg
2b) 3 x 5 Jumping good mornings - heavier than last week, rest 60" 65,67,5 70kg
Back squat
1 x 5 120kg
2 x 3 127,5kg
3 x 1 135kg
1 x 1 142,5kg
Rest as needed
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 Pullup
12 Deadlift 100kg
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