WOD 120919 Power oly lifting & strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 Power snatch - heavy, but not max, 45"rest  (50,55,57,5 60,60,62,5 65kg)

2) 7 x 1 Power clean + Push jerk - heavy, but not max  45"rest (65,70,75,80,85,87,5 90kg)


1a) 3 x 10 BB Weighted step up 50cm - heavy 45"rest (50,55,60kg)
1b) 3 x 15 GH Raise with band   45"rest   green band
1c) 3 x 8 BB Strict press - heaviest possible 45"rest  (50,55,57,5kg)

It was not so hard workout because tonight we will have a warming-up rugby game against the 2nd team at  7:30 PM.

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