WOD 120915 Snatch, Cl & J, "Fran"

That was the last day of the 6 weeks off season hi-bar olympic lifting cycle!!!
Huge thanks for The Outlaw Way, the best program that I've ever followed so far!!!! Amazing!!!

BB Gymnastics

1) 1RM Snatch          72,5kg NPR!!!!

2) 1RM Clean & Jerk  100kg NPR!!!!


40kg Thruster

4'47"  NPR!!!! (7 months ago it was 7 minute!!!!)

Some word about the next program from The Outlaw Way's head coach, Rudy Nielsen:

Phase #1 of Off-Season Strength & Conditioning is over. Our first six weeks hopefully provided either a new comfort level with the fast lifts, or at least enough exposure, volume, and technical work to be able to handle a fairly rigorous and intensive second phase. We’ll be following a somewhat similar progression to the last phase, but will only be using pulling blocks once per week during this cycle. Also, instead of breaking the lifts into different days and only performing them together on Saturdays, we will be performing both lifts almost every day; with percentage work on Mondays, block work on Tuesdays, power versions on Wednesday, and maximal/full versions coming every Saturday (Fridays will have added squat work plus accessories) . We’ll be adding more squatting—with a focus on the Front and High-Bar versions—and will be continuing the accommodating resistance work we’ve been doing on the Deadlift.
Basically: more fucking strong, more fucking fast, more fucking power, more fucking awesome.

When you’re feeling tired this week, or genuinely need some inspiration—remember…
This old motherfucker is three times as strong as you’ve ever dreamed of being and he thinks you’re a pussy.
Now get back on the bar, pussy.

My program: Outlaw Doctrine

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