WOD 130312 Snatch practice

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 3 Pause First pulls (3sec pause at knee) + 1 Hang snatch, rest 60"  (50,55,55,60,60,60,60kg)


1a) 3 x 10 Strict T2B, rest 60"

1b) 3 x ME Wall facing HS hold, rest 60"   0:55, 0:45, 0:38


10 min AMRAP Ladder

3 Clean to Thruster 50kg
3 Burpee Box Jump 80cm
6 Clean to Thruster 50kg
6 Burpee Box Jump 80cm
9 ....
9 ....

9 reps round + 12 Cl to Thruster + 8 Burpee BJ

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