WOD 130719:

1) Snatch from blocks @power position. Take 10 min to work up to a heavy triple, then repeat for three sets - 65kg
2) clean @ jerk from blocks @power position. Take 10 min to work up to a heavy triple, then repeat for three sets - 80kg

1) Back squat
  1x10@60% 92,5
  1x8@65% 100
  1x8@70% 110
  1x8@75% 117,5
Rest 2 min

2a) Front squat 1x5@60% 80, 1x5@65% 90, 1x5@70% 100 rest 60"
2b) 3x8 Close grip bench press - 75 77,5 80    rest 60"

3a) 3xME Strict Pull up, rest 60"
3b) 3 x 10 Strict tempo GH raise, rest 60"

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