WOD 130329 Oly lifts from blocks

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Snatch from blocks (just above knee), rest 60",  55,60,60,65,65,67,5 70kg

2) 7 x 2 Clean from blocks (just above knee) + 1 Push jerk, rest 60", 65,70,75,80,85,90,95kg


Back squat

Set 1:  4 x 4  @70%  105kg   rest 30"
Set 2:  3 x 3  @75%  112,5kg   rest 30"
Set 3:  3 x 2  @80%  120kg   rest 45"

Rest between sets: 3 minutes

Notes: The sets should be performed without re-racking the barbell!!!

Conditioning (in the evening)

10 min AMRAP Ladder

1 Power Snatch 50kg
1 Clapping push up
2 ....
2 ....
3 ....
3 ....

105 reps (9 rounds + 10PS + 5 PU)

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