"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
WOD 130319 Snatch
BB Gymnastics
1) EMOM for 5 min:
2 Full Snatches @80% 60kg
And then, no rest, when the clock hits the 5 min:
2 min AMRAP Full Snatches @80% 60kg
1a) 3 x 20 UB GHD Sit ups, rest 60"
1b) 3 x ME HS hold, rest 60"
1c) 3 x 20 UB GH Raise, rest 60"
1 min ME Ring dips
4 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS 40kg
- 20 Pullups
- 30 DU
1 min ME Ring dips
4 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS 40kg
- 20 Pullups
- 30 DU
1 min ME Ring dip
20reps, 1 round, 6reps, 1 round, 11reps
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