WOD 130304 Clean

In the morning...

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 First pull + Hang clean + 1 Jerk, rest 60"  (70,70,75,75,75,80,80kg)

2a) 3 x 5 Push press, rest 60"  60,65,70kg

2b) 3 x 5 Bent over supinated grip row, rest 60"  75,80,85kg


1) Back squat
1 x 5 @80%  120kg
1 x 3 @85%  130kg
1 x 2 @90%  135kg
2 x 1 @95%  142,5kg
Rest 2 min

In the evening....

1) 5 x 2 Pause Front Squat (5sec pause at the bottom), rest 90"  80,85,90,95,100kg


5 rounds for total reps

1 min to complete 5 Power clean 60kg
ME Split Jerk in the remaining time 60kg

1 min ME Burpee

86reps (19, 67)

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