"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters"
WOD 130331 CFGO 13.4
CFGO 13.4
7 min AMRAP
3 Clean & Jerk 62,5kg
3 T2B
6 Clean & Jerk 62,5kg
6 T2B
9 ....
9 ....
Not for time
25 GHD Sit ups
25 GHD Sit ups
30 min Recovery
SMR, Stretching
WOD 130330 Snatch 1RM
15 min to establish a 1RM Snatch 77,5kg NPR!!
Front squat
1 x 5 @80% 102,5kg
2 x 3 @85% 107,5kg
3 x 1 @90% 112,5g
Rest 2 minutes
WOD 130329 Oly lifts from blocks
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 2 Snatch from blocks (just above knee), rest 60", 55,60,60,65,65,67,5 70kg
2) 7 x 2 Clean from blocks (just above knee) + 1 Push jerk, rest 60", 65,70,75,80,85,90,95kg
Back squat
Set 1: 4 x 4 @70% 105kg rest 30"
Set 2: 3 x 3 @75% 112,5kg rest 30"
Set 3: 3 x 2 @80% 120kg rest 45"
Rest between sets: 3 minutes
Notes: The sets should be performed without re-racking the barbell!!!
Conditioning (in the evening)
10 min AMRAP Ladder
1 Power Snatch 50kg
1 Clapping push up
2 ....
2 ....
3 ....
3 ....
105 reps (9 rounds + 10PS + 5 PU)
WOD 130326 Clean & Jerk
BB Gymnastics
1) Every 30 sec for 4 min:
1 Full Clean & Jerk @80% 80kg
Then when the clock hits 5:00
3' to complette
3 x ME UB Full Clean & Jerk @75% 75kg 2,2,3reps
7 rounds for total working time:
- 5 Power snatch 50kg
- 8 Burpee BJ 60cm
Rest 1:1
1: 1:06, 2: 1:06 3: 1:13, 4: 1:17, 5: 1:17, 6: 1:20
WOD 130325 Snatch
BB Gymnastics
1) Every 30 sec for 4 min:
1 Full snatch @85% 62,5kg
Then when the clock hits 5:00
3' to complette
3 x ME UB Full snatches @75% 55kg 3,3,3reps
1a) 3 x ME UB T2B, rest 60" 12,12,8reps
1b) 3 x ME HS hold, rest 60" :54 :50, :47
1c) 3 x 10 Stiff legged deadlift 100kg, rest 60"
2) MU practice
WOD 130321 CFGO13.3, Snatch
CFGO 13.3
12 min AMRAP of:
- 150 Wall ball 9kg
- 90 DU
- 30 MU
240reps (8'32", 11'20", no MU)
BB Gymnastics
7 x 2 Tall Snatch, 40,40,45,50,50,50,55kg
WOD 130320 Clean, Back squat, Metcon
BB Gymnastics
1) EMOM for 5 minutes
2 Full Clean & Jerk @75% 75kg
and then, when the clock hits 5:00 minutes, no rest
2 min AMRAP Full Clean & Jerk @75% 75kg
7 min total reps: 16
Back squat
1 x 5 @85% 127,5kg
2 x 3 @90% 135kg
3 x 1 @95% 142,5kg
Rest 2-3 min
4 rounds for total working time:
- 50 DU
- 14 Lateral Burpee
- 7 Power snatch 50kg
Rest 1:1
1: 3'02" 2: 3'04" 3: 2'50" 4: 2'52"
WOD 130319 Snatch
BB Gymnastics
1) EMOM for 5 min:
2 Full Snatches @80% 60kg
And then, no rest, when the clock hits the 5 min:
2 min AMRAP Full Snatches @80% 60kg
1a) 3 x 20 UB GHD Sit ups, rest 60"
1b) 3 x ME HS hold, rest 60"
1c) 3 x 20 UB GH Raise, rest 60"
1 min ME Ring dips
4 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS 40kg
- 20 Pullups
- 30 DU
1 min ME Ring dips
4 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS 40kg
- 20 Pullups
- 30 DU
1 min ME Ring dip
20reps, 1 round, 6reps, 1 round, 11reps
WOD 130317 CFGO 13.2
CF Games Open 13.2
10 min AMRAP
- 5 STOH 52,5kg
- 10 Deadlift 52,5kg
- 15 Box Jump 60cm
205 reps
BJ was horrible, killed my thigh, it was like a f*cking stone!!
WOD 130315 More weightlifting
BB Gymnastics
1) 5 x 3 Hi hang snatch, rest 90" 45,50,55,57,5 60kg
2) 5 x 3 Hi hang clean + 1 Push jerk, rest 90" 60,65,70,70,70kg
EMOM for 12 min
3 Power clean 70kg
WOD 130314 Clean, Rope climb, MetCon
BB Gymnastic
1) 10 min Clean practice
1) 3 x 5 Dynamic Push press 52,5kg
2) Rope climb practice
1 min ME Dip 34reps
Repeat this 3 times:
3 min AMRAP
- 3 Power clean 60kg
- 6 HRPU
- 9 Squat
1 min rest
1. 5r + 6hrpu, 2. 4r + 6sq., 4r + 3Pcl
WOD 130313 Clean
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 Pause First pull (3sec at knee) + Clean & Jerk, rest 60" 60,70,75,75,80,80,80kg
1) Back squat
1 x 5 @80% 120kg
2 x 3 @85% 127,5kg
3 x 1 @90% 135kg
Rest 2-3min
2) 3 x 3 1 1/4 Front squat, rest 90" 70,75,80kg
WOD 130312 Snatch practice
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 3 Pause First pulls (3sec pause at knee) + 1 Hang snatch, rest 60" (50,55,55,60,60,60,60kg)
1a) 3 x 10 Strict T2B, rest 60"
1b) 3 x ME Wall facing HS hold, rest 60" 0:55, 0:45, 0:38
10 min AMRAP Ladder
3 Clean to Thruster 50kg
3 Burpee Box Jump 80cm
6 Clean to Thruster 50kg
6 Burpee Box Jump 80cm
9 ....
9 ....
9 reps round + 12 Cl to Thruster + 8 Burpee BJ
WOD 130310 CFG 13.1
CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.1
40 Target Burpee 15cm
30 Snatch 35kg
30 Target Burpee 15cm
30 Snatch 62kg
20 Target Burpee 15cm
30 Snatch 75kg
10 Target Burpee 15cm
Snatch 95kg in the remaining time
WOD 130307 Heavy singles
BB Gymnastics
40 min Snatch and Clean & Jerk - heavy singles
Snatch: work up to 75kg
Cl & J: work up to 95kg
WOD 130306 Vertical lifts
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 1 Vertical snatch off high blocks, rest 60" (45,50,52,5 55,55,55,57,5kg)
2) 7 x 1 Vertical clean ogg high blocks + 1 Push jerk, rest 60" (60,65,70,75,75,75,75kg)
7 rounds to complete
30 KB SDHP 20kg
12 Lateral Box jump 50cm
1 min rest
HSPU: 40reps
WOD 130304 Clean
In the morning...
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 2 First pull + Hang clean + 1 Jerk, rest 60" (70,70,75,75,75,80,80kg)
2a) 3 x 5 Push press, rest 60" 60,65,70kg
2b) 3 x 5 Bent over supinated grip row, rest 60" 75,80,85kg
1) Back squat
1 x 5 @80% 120kg
1 x 3 @85% 130kg
1 x 2 @90% 135kg
2 x 1 @95% 142,5kg
Rest 2 min
In the evening....
1) 5 x 2 Pause Front Squat (5sec pause at the bottom), rest 90" 80,85,90,95,100kg
5 rounds for total reps
1 min to complete 5 Power clean 60kg
ME Split Jerk in the remaining time 60kg
1 min ME Burpee
86reps (19, 67)
WOD 130303 Snatch
BB Gymnastics
1) 7 x 2 First pull + Hang Snatch, rest 60" (50,50,55,55,60,60,65kg)
2a) 3 x 5 Hang snatch pull, rest 60" 75,80,85kg
2b) 3 x 3 Snatch grip push press + OHS, rest 60" 60,60,65kg
1a) 3 x ME TTB, rest 60" 13,11,10
1b) 3x ME "Nose & Toes" Chest facing HS Hold, rest 60" :45, :42, :32
3 rounds for total working time of
Run 400m
25 Wall Ball 9kg
Rest 1min after 1st round, rest 2min after 2nd round
2'35", 2'25", 2'43"
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