WOD 121130 Oly lifts off blocks, Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 Snatch off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" (55,57,5 60, 62,5 65, 67,5 70kg)

2) 7 x 1 Clean off blocks (at knee) - heavy but perfect - not maximal, rest 60" (75,80,85,90,95,100, 102,5kg)


1a) 3 x ME HSPU Strict + kipping, rest 30"   7,6,8

1b) 3 x 25 UB KB Snatches (each arm), rest 30"   16kg

1c) 3 x 3 Snatch grip behind the neck push press, rest 30"   65kg

1d) 3 x 8 Good mornings, rest 30"   55kg


3 x ME Strict T2B  15,10,8

WOD 121128 Hang clean, squat & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Hang clean + 1 Push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (70,75,80,82,5 85,87,5 90kg)

2a) 3 x 5 Pendlay row - heavy, rest 60" (70,80,80kg)

2b) 3 x 5 Split press - heavy, rest 60" (50,55,60kg)


Back squat
1 x 8 @65%  100kg
1 x 5 @70%  110kg
2 x 5 @75%  115kg
1x 5 @80%  120kg


6 rounds
20 KB SDHP 24kg
5 Power clean & Push jerk  60kg
Rest 1:1

1. 1'22"
2. 1'11"
3. 1'14"
4. 1'20"
5. 1'20"
6. 1'10"

WOD 121127 Hang snatch & Metcon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 2 Hang snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60"  (55,57,5 60,60,62,5 62,5 65kg)

2a) 5 x 3 3Stop snatch pull - heavy, rest 60"  (70,80,85,90,90kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Heaving snatch balance - heavier than last week, rest 60" (62,5 65, 67,5 70,72,5kg)


10 min MU practice


- 3 Clean & PP  60kg
- 15 DU

Rest 1'

- 7 Box jump 60cm
- 7 Pullups

Rest 1'

- 15 Air squat
- 10 KB am.swing 24kg

4r + 2 Cl&PP
4r + 7BJ

WOD 121125 1RM Oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 20min to establish a 1RM Snatch   76kg!!!

2) 20min to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk   102,5kg (less than PR)


1 Front squat every 30 sec for 7 min   (14 total reps) @85%   110kg


2 min ME Rope climb 5m
No rest
7 min AMRAP
7 Back squat 100kg
14 Target burpee (touching a target 20cm above the highest reach)
No rest
2 min ME KB SDHP 24kg

2reps + 2meter
3 rounds + 7 BS
41 reps

WOD 121124 Power Oly lifts & MetCon

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 Power snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60"  (60,62,5 65, 67,5 70, 72,5 72,5kg)

2) 7 x 1 Power clean + push jerk - heaviest possible, rest 60" (80,85,87,5 90, 92,5 95, 97,5kg)


7 Push press 65kg
14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B
7 Push jerk 65kg

14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B

7 Split jerk 65kg

14 Lateral box jump 60cm
21 T2B



10 min to work up to a 1RM BB TGU    30kg

WOD 121123 Vertical oly lifts & Strength

BB Gymnastics

1) 5 x 2 Vertical snatch off high boxes (at hip) - heavy, rest 60" (55,57,5 60,62,5 65kg)

2) 5 x 2 Vertical clean off high boxes (at hip) - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,80,85,90kg)


1a) 3 x UB ME HSPU, rest 30"  (7,5,5)

1b) 3 x 20 UB KB Snatch (each arm), rest 30"   16kg

1c) 3 x 3 Sn.grip behind the neck Push press, rest 30"   60kg

1d) 3 x UB ME Romanian DL, rest 30"   80kg (15,16,17)

WOD 121121 3 pos Clean & Jerk

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 3pos Clean + 1 Jerk (floor, hang, hi-hang) - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,77,5 80,80,82,5 85kg)

2a) 5 x 3 Hang clean pull - heavy, rest 60"  (100,105,3x110kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Push press - heavy, rest 60" (70,75,80,85,85kg)


Back squat
2x8 @65%  100kg
2x5 @70%  110kg
1x5 @75%  115kg
Rest 2min


Clean & Jerk  70kg
(Jumping) Muscle-up


WOD 121120 3-pos snatch

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 3-Position snatch(floor, hang, hi-hang) - heavy, rest 60"  (50,52,5 55, 57,5 60, 62,5 65kg)

2a) 5 x 3 Halting Snatch Deadlift (stop at knees) - heavy, rest 60"  (80,90,3x100kg)

2b) 5 x 3 Heaving Snatch Balance - heavy, rest 60"  (60,65,65,70,70kg)


10 min MU practice


3 rounds for time

14 Burpee over the box jump  60cm
21 Pullups


WOD 121115 Deadlift


As long as you want to establish a 1RM Deadlift             180kg

WOD 121114 Back squat

BB Gymnastics

EMOM for 5min
2 Hang squat clean @70%   75kg

20 min to establish a 1RM Back squat    152,5kg


1min ME burpee   26reps

Few min rest

1 attempt ME pull up   30reps

WOD 121113 Testing week - Jerk

BB Gymnastics

20 min to establish a 1RM Jerk    105kg


7' AMRAP Ladder
1 Deadlift 100kg
2-2,3-3, etc..

6r + 6 HSPU

In every 90" for 5'
3 Hang power clean 75kg

WOD 121108 Deload week - session#2

1) 20 min rope climb progression

2a) 4 x 6-8 Strict HSPU  (4cm raiser), rest 45sec
2b) 4 x 10 Strict T2B, rest 45sec
2c) 4 x 15 GH Raise
2d) 4 x 10 Side GH Raise (each side), rest 45sec

3) 50 Situps

WOD 121106 Deload week

1) 20 min MU propgression

Every 90 sec for 15 min (10 total rounds)
2a) 4 HSPU

2b) 8 Pullups

3) 3 x 15 GHD Situps

WOD 121101 Power oly lifts

BB Gymnastics

1) 7 x 1 1 Hang Power snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS - as fast as possible - heaviest possible, rest 60" (50,52,5 55,55,57,5 60,60kg)

2) 7 x 1 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 power Clean + Push Jerk - heaviest as possible, rest 60" (70,75,75,77,5 77,5 80,80kg)


5 rounds for total reps
1min AMRAP of:
5 Over the box jump 60cm (down)
10 KB Am. swing 24kg
5 Over the box jump 60cm (up)
5 Thruster 50kg

Rest 1min
Notes: Over the Box jump should be performed with 5 boxes lined up in succesion.

Each round was 1 full round but the 4th missed 1 rep thruster


1a) 3 x 10 Strict GH Raise w/20kg plate, rest 60"

1b) 3 x ME Hanging L-Hold, rest 60"